Saturday, October 4, 2008

A typical day at IIM Kozhikode

8:45 the alarm goes off... oops there is a marketing class at 9:15 and I haven’t finished reading through the case I was supposed to prepare on. I realise that I had dozed off while working on it. Now starts the last minute fire fighting... I struggle through it and do something in a hurry and oops its 9 10 already....

I reach the class room in a hurry with a quick stop at the mess for a crack at the breakfast... I pick up a toast and eat it while I rush to class... thank god I made it on time.... (I entered while the attendance was on .. luckily my name is in the end)....

I settle down and here we go.... The prof looks around the class ... I am worried and nervous that he might pick on me... those anxious seconds feel like ages.... and thank god he picked someone else... I have a little more time.... as the guy goes on and on about the case I slowly and slyly start reading through the bit of the case which I had not read through....

“Vivek, you tell me... what do u think the case is about and how should we approach it?” come the dreaded words of the professor. This sounded like my death sentence..... I look here and there and my friend’s faces look like strangers... I begin with some case facts I had heard the earlier guy speaking on.... I start speaking and reading out the little bit of analysis that I had prepared.... thankfully he smiles.... and then moves on to someone else.. Phew!! That was a narrow escape...

Then comes the Management Accounting class... I suddenly become a tiger since this subject is my domain.... as everybody listens with utmost attention I start day dreaming.... I start thinking about the evening, what should I do... what are the sessions for tomorrow, all the while, hoping that there are no surprise quizzes announced in the day.

The class goes by peacefully and I go back to the room... thank god the next class is only after lunch.... I start to doze off when I get woken up by my cell phone... it’s my friend... there’s a quiz, the course coordinator had told him... damn it I think and start preparing for the quiz in the afternoon........ and then 5 minutes later I get a call again, false alarm... I thank god 100 times and go off to sleep only to find that I missed lunch L

After another 2 classes in the afternoon finally the academic day comes to an end... yes I have cases to read, yes I have an assignment but then there’s some interesting stuff lined up too....
Bakar goes on, on the IP Messenger as if that’s all the work we have in life. I go off down the hill to play some cricket and by the time I come back I am exhausted….. after dinner I sit down to study and oops there is a call for a committee meeting... as we work our way through the meeting and wind up it’s already 9 PM.... I rush to the mess to get my dinner in time....
now it’s movie time J I start spamming on IP for any new movies... there u go lot of people respond, some with movies some with comments on the movies, etc... I watch a movie for a couple of hours.... ok its 2 AM in the morning and I have a case still to prepare for and a couple of assignments to submit the next day....

back to the IP messenger I go and start spamming “Anyone done with the case and assignments?”... again I get loads of sarcasm and comments on IP (From those who have done it and are about to go off to sleep)... some people chip in saying I am not alone. Meanwhile one of my friends says he has read the case.... I sit down with him and get him to explain the whole thing... then we put in some joint effort into the assignments.... All the while the clock is ticking... by 4 30 AM finally we are through....

I breathe a sigh of relief. We get up and go for a stroll.... ooh this cold breeze.... we head straight into the corridors of the campus and enjoy the soothing wind.... its freezing but we enjoy every moment of it.... the bakar carries on .. we walk past a couple of more groups doing something similar and I finally hit the sack at 5 AM knowing I have another tiring day ahead.... oh man when will the weekend arrive :sigh:....

1 comment:

KB said...

Hey Vivek..

Congratulations on the new blog..

Nice start dude.. way to go..